
Ignorance is..Thinkin u win it all when u hit a "bulls eye"!! uh uh...I have learnt this the hard way...
I have always considered life to be a MAJOR challenge...most people am sure will agree that these challenges are what make life worth living...They make life more beautiful by adding color,flavour,aroma,oomph...u name it.
And then theres those challenges that make u think "I thought I already jumped that hurdle"...
Now thats the point where I get so frustrated...Am sure I have something in my grip..but then...theres those external forces that are tryin to grab and seize what I got...To let Go or Hold On??whats my take??
Funny...I know I got what I want...I nailed it...and yet that biggest challenge arises...the battle between mind and soul..creating an unequilibrium...settin everything off balance...
